If you need a response from our Support team, then please use this form. Im playing on a Note 8 and after doing that the game runs fine for a while till your Host is from a different server. Honestly, the game on medium doesnt look any different from high at all.

Please choose your birthdate in the fields below.
Month Day Year Birthdate Please update my birthdate. If you're not contacting us to change or add your birthday, then please select another topic under "Inquiring about”. Please sign in so we can connect your feedback to your account Please include a valid birthdate so that we can update your account. If your Credit Card statement shows Google, Apple, or PayPal, then please select that option under Payment Methods. Please include your PayPal email address Please include the line item description from your bank or credit card statement, e.g: "*Ug1r23" or "*123456789". If you canceled your subscription prior to the renewal date, then your account will not be charged. Note: You may see a pending authorization up to 72 hours before the actual renewal date. Add file or drop files here Please include your Google Play order number. If you need a response, then please submit your request through another form. The app should show larger text and images with this setting. Tap Use Zoomed. Your device will restart.Select Display Zoom and toggle it to Zoomed.There is not a way to change the size of the games within the Lumosity app for Androids, iPhones, and iPads. If you have an iPhone Plus, you can make sure you have the latest update to our app here, and then change your device to Display Zoom in your settings: Please note, the only game that will play full screen is Eagle Eye. To zoom out, press Command and - at the same time. To zoom in, press Command and + at the same time. To get to 100% press Command and 0 at the same time. To zoom out, press Control and - at the same time.
Complete Google sign-in (if you skipped step 2) to install Solar Smash 3. Start MuMu Player and complete Google sign-in to access the Play Store. To zoom in, press Control and + at the same time. Download and install MuMu Player on your PC. To get to 100% press Control and 0 at the same time.

You can use the Zoom settings in the browser menu or these shortcut keys: You can zoom our website in and out to view the games larger and smaller.